Monday, March 31, 2014

Goodbye Packing Slip

Over the weekend I was preparing a couple of boxes  to send to the amazon fulfilment center, when I came across a problem. Or so I thought.

There was no longer an option to print a packing slip!

I hunted and searched everywhere. No print option.

Then in small print, in a greyed out box, in grey print, a note said,

:Packing Slips No longer required."

Err? Last week I needed one?

For a year I've needed one.

Now suddenly, without warning, no big song and dance as they usually  do, after all for three months now they have been telling me they are updating the FBA shipment procedure. But on packing slips nada, nothing, silence. They let it slip away without fanfare, but  not without half an hour of frustration and irritation on my part as I searched fruitlessly for a packing slip print option.

In the end it is  nice not to have to print that extra piece of paper, a mere barcode, it is probably nice for amazon not to have to dispose of that piece of paper too.  Can you imagine that paper mountain?

So goodbye and farewell packing slip. I for one brief moment did suffer at your loss.

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